Picture Essay: How Technology Affects Children's Everyday Lives
In the city of Dearborn Heights, lives a six year old girl named Madison. She is one of the millions of children growing up in the 21st century with technology at her fingertips. Madison uses technology many times throughout her day in school and at home. This is almost completely different from the way many of us lived through our childhood. Yes, the generation called the Millennials did grow up with technology and are considered digital natives because of the extensive development of technology that started mainly when I began middle school, but there may need to be a new term for the generation being born and growing up here in 2018. A report done by ReportLinker and the corresponding article on MediaPost written by Jack Loechner, stated that “the average household has 7.3 [screens]...an astonishing array of digital devices.” The report also states that “the more technology a family owns, the more likely it is to end up in the children’s bedrooms.” The explosion o...